Articles scientifiques
- Beauchamp, M. H. (2024). Developmental considerations in the quest for pediatric mTBI biomarkers. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. Invited Commentary.
- Aubuchon, O., Huynh, L.-K., Dupont, D., Séguin, M., Beaudoin, C., Bernier, A., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2024). Optimal functioning after early mild traumatic brain injury : Evolution and predictors. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
- Beauchamp, M.H., Soligon, C. A., & Frémont, P., Leclerc, S. (2024). Les outils d’évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport : CRT6, SCAT6®, Child SCAT6®, SCOAT6 et Child SCOAT6. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport.
- Duquette-Laplante, F., Jutras, B., Gravel, J., Beauchamp, M. H., Ratelle, J., Gagnon, I., & Koravand, A. (2024). Central auditory processing and cognitive abilities after mild traumatic brain injury in school-aged children. International Journal of Audiology.
- Beauchamp, M.H., Anderson, V., Ewing-Cobbs, L., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., McKinlay, A., Wade, S., Suskauer, S. (2024). Early childhood concussion. Pediatrics.
- Leclerc, S., Schneider, K. J., Leclerc, S., Beauchamp, M. H., Audrit, H., Fremont, P., Frémont, P., Soligon, C. A., Beaudoin, C., Echemendia, R., Davis, G. A., & Patricios, J. S. (2024). Versions françaises des outils SCAT® : Traduction ET et adaptation culturelle. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport.
- Onicas, A. I., Deighton, S., Yeates, K. O., Bray, S., Graff, K., Abdeen, N., Beauchamp, M. H., Beaulieu, C., Bjornson, B., Craig, W., Dehaes, M., Deschenes, S., Doan, Q., Freedman, S. B., Goodyear, B. G., Gravel, J., Lebel, C., Ledoux, A. A., Zemek, R., & Ware, A. L. (2024). Longitudinal functional connectome in pediatric concussion: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics study. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Gingras, M.-P., Brendgen, M., Beauchamp, M. H., Séguin, J. R., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, S. M., & Herba, C. (2024). Adolescents and social media: Longitudinal links between motivations for using social media and subsequent internalizing symptoms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
- Roy, I., Salles, J., Neveu, E., Larivière-Bastien, D., Blondin, A., Levac, D., Beauchamp, M.H. (2024). Exploring the perspectives of health care professionals on digital health technologies in pediatric care and rehabilitation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.
- Salberg, S., Smith, M. J., Lamont, R., Chen, Z., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Gravel, J., Zemek, R., Lannin, N., Yeates, K. O., Mychasiuk, R. (2024). Shorter telomere length is associated with older age, poor sleep hygiene, and orthopedic injury, but not mild traumatic brain injury, in a cohort of Canadian children. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Levine, D.A., Gombar, J., Lis, T., Orr-Gaucher, N., Dupont, D., Hanson, J., Beauchamp, M.H. (Sous presse). Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians’ Perspectives of Concussion in Young Children. Pediatric Emergency Care.
- Dionne, E., Majnemer, A., Beauchamp, M. H., & Brossard-Racine, M. (2024). Factors associated with mathematical capacity in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
- Dupont, D., Tang, K., Beaudoin, C., Dégeilh, F., Gagnon, I., Yeates, K. O., Rose, S. C., Gravel, J., Burstein, B., Stang, A., Stanley, R., Zemek, R., Beauchamp, M.H. on behalf of the PERC KOALA Study. Post-Concussive Symptoms after Early Childhood Concussion. JAMA Network Open.
- La, P. L., Walker, R., Bell, T. K., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M. H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K. O., Harris, A. D., & Pediatric Emergency Research Canada A-CAP study team. (2024). Longitudinal changes in brain metabolites following pediatric concussion: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP) study. Scientific Reports.
- Hassan, A., Brooks, B. L., McArthur, B. A., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Zemek, R., & Yeates, K. O. (2023). Dynamic Relations Between Psychological Resilience and Post-Concussion Symptoms in Children With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Versus Orthopedic Injury: An A-CAP Study. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Simard, M.-N., Lepage, C., Gaudet, I., Paquette, N., Doussau, A., Poirier, N. C., Beauchamp, M. H., Côté, S. M., Pinchefsky, E., Brossard-Racine, M., Mâsse, B., & Gallagher, A. (2023). A Parent–child yoga intervention for reducing attention deficits in children with congenital heart disease: The Yoga for Little Hearts Feasibility Study Protocol. BMJ Open.
- Anderson, V., Darling, S., Hearps, S., Darby, D., Dooley, J., McDonald, S., Turkstra, L., Brown, A., Greenham, M., Crossley, L., Charalambous, G., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2023). Deep phenotyping of socio-emotional skills in children with typical development, neurodevelopmental disorders, and mental health conditions: Evidence from the PEERS. PLOS ONE.
- Doan, Q., Chadwick, L., Tang, K., Brooks, B. L., Beauchamp, M. H., Zemek, R., Craig, W., Gravel, J., & Yeates, K. O. (2023). A Prospective Cohort Study of the Association Between Preinjury Psychosocial Function and Postconcussive Symptoms in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An A-CAP Study. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Dégeilh, F., Leblanc, É., Daneault, V., Beauchamp, M. H., & Bernier, A. (2023). Longitudinal associations between mother-child attachment security in toddlerhood and white matter microstructure in late childhood: A preliminary investigation. Attachment & Human Development.
- Sparanese, S., Yeates, K. O., Bone, J., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., Zemek, R., & Doan, Q. (2023). Concurrent Psychosocial Concerns and Post-Concussive Symptoms Following Pediatric mTBI: An A-CAP Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
- Aubuchon, O., Libenstein, J., Moënner, M., Séguin, M., Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2023). What contributes to false belief understanding in childhood? : A multidimensional approach. Cognitive Development.
- Beauchamp, M. H., Dégeilh, F., & Rose, S. C. (2023). Improving outcome after paediatric concussion: Challenges and possibilities. The Lancet. Child & Adolescent Health.
- Dégeilh, F., Lacombe-Barrios, J., Tuerk, C., Lebel, C., Daneault, V., El-Jalbout, R., Gravel, J., Deschênes, S., Dubois, J., Lapierre, C., Gagnon, I., Dehaes, M., Luu, T. M., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2023). Behavioral-play familiarization for non-sedated magnetic resonance imaging in young children with mild traumatic brain injury. Pediatric Radiology.
- Guo, E. Y., Leblanc, É., Dégeilh, F., Beauchamp, M. H., & Bernier, A. (2023). Prospective associations between maternal mind-mindedness, child theory of mind, and brain morphology in school-aged children. Social Neuroscience.
- Dupont, D., Larivière-Bastien, D., Caron, J. G., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., Gagnon, I., Burstein, B., Beaudin, M., Rose, S. C., Yeates, K. O., Beauchamp, M. H., & PERC KOALA Study. (2023). “What If?”: Caregivers’ Experiences Following Early Childhood Concussion. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
- Onicas, A. I., Deighton, S., Yeates, K. O., Bray, S., Graff, K., Abdeen, N., Beauchamp, M. H., Beaulieu, C., Bjornson, B., Craig, W., Dehaes, M., Deschenes, S., Doan, Q., Freedman, S. B., Goodyear, B. G., Gravel, J., Lebel, C., Ledoux, A.-A., Zemek, R., & Ware, A. L. (2023). Longitudinal Functional Connectome in Pediatric Concussion: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics Study. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Ware, A. L., Lebel, C., Onicas, A., Abdeen, N., Beauchamp, M. H., Beaulieu, C., Bjornson, B. H., Craig, W., Dehaes, M., Doan, Q., Deschenes, S., Freedman, S. B., Goodyear, B. G., Gravel, J., Ledoux, A.-A., Zemek, R., Yeates, K. O., & Group, for T. P. E. R. C. A.-C. S. (2023). Longitudinal Gray Matter Trajectories in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurology.
- Ware, A. L., McLarnon, M. J. W., Lapointe, A. P., Brooks, B. L., Bacevice, A., Bangert, B. A., Beauchamp, M. H., Bigler, E. D., Bjornson, B., Cohen, D. M., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Freedman, S. B., Goodyear, B. G., Gravel, J., Mihalov, H. L. K., Minich, N. M., Taylor, H. G., Zemek, R., … Pediatric Emergency Research Canada A-CAP Study Group. (2023). IQ After Pediatric Concussion. Pediatrics.
- La, P. L., Bell, T. K., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M. H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K. O., & Harris, A. D. (2023). Comparison of different approaches to manage multi-site magnetic resonance spectroscopy clinical data analysis. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Gingras, M.-P., Brendgen, M., Beauchamp, M. H., Séguin, J. R., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, S. M., & Herba, C. M. (2023). Adolescents and Social Media: Longitudinal Links Between Types of Use, Problematic Use and Internalizing Symptoms. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
- Podlog, L., Caron, J. G., Fawver, B., Fraser, J. J., Johnsson, Q., Beauchamp, M. H., & Nault, M.-L. (2023). Psychological readiness to return to the slopes following serious injury among competitive skiers and snowboarders. Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation.
- La, P. L., Joyce, J. M., Bell, T. K., Mauthner, M., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M. H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K. O., & Harris, A. D. (2023). Brain metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pediatric concussion and orthopedic injury: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A‐CAP) study. Human Brain Mapping.
- Van Ierssel, J.J., Tang, K., Beauchamp, M.H., Bresee, N., Cortel-LeBlanc, A., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Gravel, J., Lyons, T., Mannix, R., Orr, S., Zemek, R., & Yeates, K.O. (2023). Pediatric emergency research Canada A-CAP study team: Association of posttraumatic headache with symptom burden after concussion in children. JAMA Network Open.
- Rose, S. C., Levine, D. A., Shi, J., Wheeler, K., Aungst, T., Stanley, R. M., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2023). Emergency department visits for mild traumatic brain injury in early childhood. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
- Sader, N., Gobbi, D., Goodyear, B., Frayne, R., Ware, A. L., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W. R., Doan, Q., Zemek, R., Riva-Cambrin, J., Yeates, K. O., & Pediatric Emergency Research Canada A-CAP study team. (2023). Can quantitative susceptibility mapping help diagnose and predict recovery of concussion in children? An A-CAP study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
- Ryan, N. P., Catroppa, C., Beauchamp, M. H., Beare, R., Ditchfield, M., Coleman, L., Kean, M., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., & Anderson, V. A. (2023). Prospective Associations of Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Biomarkers with Fatigue Symptom Severity in Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- La, P. L., Bell, T. K., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beauchamp, M. H., Zemek, R., Yeates, K. O., & Harris, A. D. (2023). Comparison of different approaches to manage multi-site magnetic resonance spectroscopy clinical data analysis. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Zhang, C., Tang, K., Zemek, R., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Yeates, K. O., & Pediatric Emergency Research Canada A-CAP Study Team. (2023). Factor structure and measurement invariance of post-concussion symptom ratings on the Health and Behaviour Inventory across time, raters, and groups: An A-CAP study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society: JINS.
- Huynh, L-K., Gagner, C., Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H. (2023). Discrepancies Between Mother and Father Ratings of Child Behavior after Early Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Child Neuropsychology.
- Dionne, E., Bolduc, M.-E., Majnemer, A., Beauchamp, M., & Brossard-Racine, M. (2023). Academic challenges in Developmental Coordination Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics.
- Libenstein, J., Larivière-Bastien, D., Dupont, D., Aubuchon, O., Herba, C., Beauchamp, M.H. (2023). A light in the dark: Positive lessons from children’s perspectives on COVID-19. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.
Morasse, F., Beauchamp, M. H., Désilets, É., & Hétu, S. (2022). How do children adapt their fairness norm? Evidence from computational modeling. Plos One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277508. Plos One
Cairncross, M., Yeates, K. O., Tang, K., Madigan, S., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., … & Silverberg, N. D. (2022). Early postinjury screen time and concussion recovery. Pediatrics. doi: 10.1542/peds.2022-056835. Pediatrics
Khan, N., Ryan, NP., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., Beauchamp, M. H., Catroppa, C., & Anderson, V. (2022). Quality of family environment predicts child perceptions of competence 12 months after pediatric traumatic injury. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. doi: 10.1016/ Science Direct
Morasse, F., Bernier, A., Lalonde, G., Hétu, S., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2022). Sociomoral Reasoning Skills during Childhood: A Comprehensive and Predictive Approach.
Brain Sciences. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12091226. MDPI
Huynh, L. K., Gagner, C., Bernier, A., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2022). Discrepancies between mother and father ratings of child behavior after early mild traumatic brain injury.
Child Neuropsychology. doi: 10.1080/09297049.2022.2066074. Taylor & Francis
Ryan NP, Catroppa C, Beauchamp MH, Beare R, Ditchfield M, Coleman L, Kean M, Crossley L, Hearps SJC, Anderson V. (2022). Prospective Associations of Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Biomarkers with Fatigue Symptom Severity in Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of neurotrauma. doi: 10.1089/neu.2021.0476. Pubmed
Ryan NP, Catroppa C, Ward SC, Yeates KO, Crossley L, Hollenkamp M, Hearps S, Beauchamp MH, Anderson VA. (2022). Association of neurostructural biomarkers with secondary attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptom severity in children with traumatic brain injury: a prospective cohort study.
Psychological Medecine. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722002598. Pubmed
Caravita, S., Thornberg, R., Beauchamp, M.H. (2022). Novel Developmental Perspectives on the Link Between Morality and Social Outcomes (Editorial).
Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.888373. Frontiers
Larivière-Bastien, D., Aubuchon, O., Blondin, A., Dupont, D., Libenstein, J., Séguin, F., Tremblay, A., Zarglayoun, H., Herba, C., Beauchamp, M.H. (2022). Children’s perspectives on socialization during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative approach.
Child: Care, Health & Development. doi: 1111/cch.12998. Wiley Online Library
Leblanc, E., Dégeilh, F., Beauchamp, M.H., Bernier, A. (2022). Disorganized Attachment Behaviors in Infancy as Predictors of Brain Morphology and Peer Rejection in Late Childhood.
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. doi: 10.3758/s13415-022-00987-0. Springer
Lamoureux, E., Ishikawa, T., Yeates, K.O., Brooks, B.L., Beauchamp, M.H., Craig, W., Gravel, J., … Doan, Q. (2022). Convergent validity of my heartsmap: A pediatric psychosocial health screening tool.
Child Psychiatry & Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-021-01221-7. Springer
Séguin, M., Gagner, C., Türk, C., Lacombe-Barrios, J., Mackay, P., Beauchamp, M.H. (2022). What about the little ones? Systematic review of cognitive and behavioral outcomes following early TBI.
Neuropsychology Review. doi: 10.1007/s11065-021-09517-0. Springer
Caravita, S.C.S., Beauchamp, M.H., Thornberg, R. (2022). Editorial: Novel Developmental Perspectives on the Link Between Morality and Social Outcomes.
Frontiers. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.888373. Frontiers
Zarglayoun, H., Laurendeau-Martin, J., Tato, A., Vera-Estay, E., Blondin, A., Lamy-Brunelle, A., Chaieb, S., Morasse, F., Dufresne, A., Nkambou, R., Beauchamp, M.H. (2022). Assessing and optimizing socio-moral reasoning skills: Findings from the MorALERT serious video game.
Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.767596. Pubmed
Anderson, V., Hearps, S., Catroppa, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Ryan, N. (2022). What predicts persisting social impairment following pediatric traumatic brain injury Contribution of a bio-psychological approach.
Psychological Medicin. doi: 1017/S0033291722000186. Cambridge
Shukla, A., Ware, A., Guo, S., Goodyear, B., Beauchamp, M.H., Zemek, R., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Beaulieu, C., Yeates, K.O. , Lebel, C. (2022). Examining brain white matter after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging: An A-CAP study.
Neuroimaging: Clinical. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102887 Science Direct
Ware, A., Yeates, KO., Geeraert, B., Long, X., Beauchamp, M.H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Freedman, S., Goodyear, B., Zemek, R., Lebel, C., on behalf of PERC ACAP Team. (2022). The structural connectome differs in pediatric mild TBI and orthopedic injury compared to typical development.
Human Brain Mapping. doi: Wiley Online Library
Khan, N., Ryan, N., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., Beauchamp, M.H., Catroppa, C. Anderson, V. (2021). Quality of family environment predicts child perceptions of global and academic competence 12 months after pediatric TBI.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. doi: 10.1016/ Science Direct
Whitley, J., Beauchamp, M.H., Brown, C. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Learning and Achievement of Vulnerable Canadian Children and Youth.
Facets. doi: 10.1139/facets-2021-0096 FACETS
Ducharme-Crevier, L., Kim-Anh, L., François, T., Gerardis, G., Beauchamp, M.H., Harrington, K., Roumeliotis, N., Farrell, C., Toledano, B., Lacroix, J., Du Pont-Thibodeau, G. (2021). PICU Follow-Up Clinic: Patient and Family Outcomes two months after discharge.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002789 Pediatric Critical Care medicine
Hearps, S., Darling, S., Catroppa, C., Payne, J., Haritou, F., Beauchamp, M.H., Muscara, F., Anderson, V. (2021). The Pediatric Evaluation of Emotions, Relationships and Socialisation Questionnaire (PEERS-Q): Developmental validation of a parent-report questionnaire of social skills for children.
Australian Journal of Psychology. doi: 10.1080/00049530.2021.2002126 Taylor & Francis
McInnis, C., Solana Garcia, M.J., Widjaja, E., Frndova, H., Van Huyse, J., Guerguerian, A.M., Oyefiade, A., … Wheeler, A. (2021). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings Are Associated with Long-Term Global Neurological Function or Death after Traumatic Brain Injury in Critically Ill Children.
Journal of Neurotrauma. doi: 10.1089/neu.2020.7514 Liebertpub
Tuerk, C., Dégeilh, F., Catroppa, C., Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H. (2021). Pediatric Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Gray Matter Structural Covariance Networks: A Preliminary Longitudinal Investigation.
Developmental Neuroscience. doi: 10.1159/000518752 Karger
O’Brien, H., Minich, N. M., Langevin, L. M., Taylor, H. G., Bigler, E. D., Cohen, D. M., Beauchamp, M. H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Zemek, R., Bacevice, A., Mihalov, L. K., & Yeates, K. O. (2021). Normative and psychometric characteristics of the Health and Behavior Inventory among children with mild orthopedic injury presenting to the emergency department: Implications for assessing post-concussive symptoms using the Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th edition (Child SCAT5).
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000943 Sport medecine
Ryan, N., Catroppa, C., Hughes, N., Painter, F., Hearps, S., Beauchamp, M.H., Anderson, V. (2021). Executive function mediates the prospective association between neurostructural differences within the central executive network and anti-social behaviour after childhood TBI.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13385 ACAMH
Benlamine, M.S., Dufresne, A., Beauchamp, M.H., Frasson, C. (2021). BARGAIN : Behavioral Affective Rule-Based Adaptation Interface: Towards Emotionally Intelligent Video Games.
User Modeling and User-Adaptated Interaction. doi: 10.1007/s11257-020-09286-0 Springer
Audrit, H., Beauchamp, M.H., Tinawi, S., Laguë-Beauvais, M., Saluja, R., de Guise, E. (2021). Multidimensional Psychoeducative and Counseling Intervention (SAAM) for Symptomatic Patients With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000653. Europe PMC
Dupont, D., Beaudoin, C., Désiré, N., Tran, M., Gagnon, I., Beauchamp, M.H. (2021). Report of Early Childhood Traumatic Injury Observations & Symptoms (REACTIONS): Preliminary validation of an observational measure of post-concussive symptoms.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Pubmed
Gagner, C., Tuerk, C., De Beaumont, L., Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H. (2021). BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and internalizing behaviors after early mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma. doi: 10.1089/neu.2019.6936 Pubmed
Morasse, F., Vera, E., Beauchamp, M.H. (2021). Using Virtual Reality to Optimize Assessment of Sociomoral Skills.
Virtual Reality. doi: /10.1007/s10055-020-00443-9 Springer
Morasse, F., Vera, E., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Using Virtual Reality to Optimize Assessment of Sociomoral Skills.
Virtual Reality, 25(1). DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00443-9 Research Gate
Tuerk, C., Gagner, C., Dégeilh, F., Bellerose, J., Lalonde, G., Landry-Roy, C., Séguin, M., De Beaumont, L., Gravel, J., Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Quality of life 6 and 18 months after early mild traumatic brain injury: The role of genetic, environmental, injury, and child factors.
Brain Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147061 Science Direct
Audrit, H., Beauchamp, M.H., Tinawi, S., Laguë-Beauvais, M., De Guise, É. (2020). Development and description of SAAM intervention: A brief, multidimensional and psycho-educational intervention for adults with mild traumatic brain injury.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. S1877-0657(20)30152-4. Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Séguin, M., Gagner, C., Lalonde, G., Bernier, A. (2020). The PARENT model: A pathway approach for understanding parents’ role after early childhood brain injury.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26, 1-22. DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2020.1834621. Pubmed
Tuerk, C., Anderson, V., Bernier, V., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Social competence in early childhood: An empirical validation of the SOCIAL model.
Journal of Neuropsychology, DOI:10.1111/jnp.12230. Pubmed
Marleau, I., Vona, M., Thuy Mai, L. Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Social Cognition, Adaptive Functioning and Behavior Problems in Preschoolers Born Extremely Preterm.
Child Neuropsychology. 27(1), 96-108 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Dégeilh, F., Yeates, K., Gagnon, I., Tang, K., Gravel, J., Stang, A., Burstein, B., Bernier, A., Lebel, C., El Jalbout, R., Lupien, S., De Beaumont, L., Zemek, R., Dehaes, M., Deschênes, S. (2020). Kids’ Outcomes And Long-term Abilities (KOALA): Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort study of mild traumatic brain injury in children 6 months to 6 years of age.
BMJ Open. 10(10):e040603 BMJ Open
Ryan, NP., Anderson, VA., Bigler, ED., Dennis, M., Taylor, HG., Rubin, KH., Vanatta, K., … Yeates, K.O. (2020). Delineating the Nature and Correlates of Social Dysfunction after Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury using Common Data Elements: Evidence from an International Multi-Cohort Study.
J Neurotrauma. 38(2), 252-260 Pubmed
Dégeilh, F., Beauchamp, M.H., Leblanc, E., Daneault, V., Bernier, A. (2020). Socioeconomic status in infancy and the developing brain: Functional connectivity of the hippocampus and amygdala.
Developmental Neuroscience, 41 (5-6); 327-340, DOI: 10.1159/000507616 Pubmed
Séguin, M., Dégeilh, F., Bernier, A., El-Jalbout, R., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). It’s a matter of surgency: Traumatic Brain Injury is associated with changes in preschoolers’ temperament. Neuropsychology, 34(4), 375–387. Psycnet
Gagné, C., Dégeilh, F., Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Persistent changes in child behavior after early mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(1), 50-60 Pubmed
Wiseman-Hakes, C., Kakonge, L., Doherty, M., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). A Conceptual Framework of Social Communication: Clinical Applications to Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
Seminars in Speech and Language, 41(2), 143-160 Pubmed
Beaudoin, C., Leblanc, E., Gagner, C., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Systematic review and inventory of Theory of Mind measures for preschool children.
Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2905 Pubmed
Tuerk, C., Dégeilh, F., Catroppa, C., Dooley, J., Kean, M., Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H. (2020). Altered resting-state functional connectivity within the developing social brain after pediatric traumatic brain injury.
Human Brain Mapping, 41(2), 561-576 Pubmed
Mannix, R., Zemek., R., Yeates, K., Arbogast, K., Atabaki, S., Badawy, M., Beauchamp, M.H., (…), Wisniewski, S. (2019). Pratice patterns in pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies for children with mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A survey of 15 Canadian and United States Centers.
Journal of Neurotrauma, doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.6290 Pubmed
Ryan NP, Reyes, J, Crossley, L, Beauchamp, MH, Catroppa, C, Anderson, VA. (2019). Unraveling the association between pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and social dysfunction: The mediating role of self-regulation.
Journal of Neurotrauma, doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.6308 Pubmed
Lalonde, G, Bernier,A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J & Beauchamp, MH. (2019). Factors contributing to parent-child interaction quality following mild Traumatic Brain Injury in early childhood.
Journal of Neuropsychology, 14(1), doi: 10.1111/jnp.12179 Research Gate
Laniel, P., Faci, N., Plamondon, R., Beauchamp, M.H., Gauthier, B. (2019). Kinematic analysis of fast pen strokes in children with ADHD.
Applied Neuropsychology: Child, doi: 10.1080/21622965.2018.1550402 Pubmed
Bernier A, Beauchamp M.H., Cimon-Paquet C. (2019). From early relationships to pre-academic knowledge: A socio-cognitive developmental cascade to school readiness.
Child development, 91(1), doi: 10.1111/cdev.13160 Research Gate
Stukas, S, Higgins V, Frndova, H, Gill, J, Hubara, E., Guerguerian, A-M., Boutis, K., Beauchamp, M.H., Farrell, C., Babl, F.E., Delzoppo, C., Greenham, M., Wilkinson, A.A., Crichton, A., Anderson, V., Adeli, K., Hutchison, J. (2019). Characterization of serum total Tau following pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 3(8), 558-567 Pubmed
Yeates K, Tang K, Barrowman N, Freedman S, Gravel J, Gagnon I, Sangha G, Boutis K et al. (2019). Derivation and initial validation of clinical phenotypes of children presenting with concussion acutely in the Emergency Department: Latent class analysis of a multi-center, prospective cohort, observational study.
JAMA Pediatrics, 36(11), 1758-67. doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.6009 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Vera-Estay, E., Morasse, F., Anderson, V., & Dooley, J. (2019) Moral reasoning and decision-making in adolescents who sustain traumatic brain injury.
Brain Injury, 33(1), 32-39 Taylor & Francis
Bernier A, Dégeilh F, Leblanc E, Daneault V, Bailey H, & Beauchamp M.H. (2019). Mother-infant interaction and child brain morphology: A multidimensional approach to maternal sensitivity.
Infancy, 24(2), 120-138. Research Gate
Beauchamp, M.H., Tang, K., Yeates, K.O., Anderson, P., Brooks, B.L., Keightley, M., Désiré, N., Boutis, K., Gagnon, I., Gravel, J., Dubrovsky, A.S. et Zemek, R. (2019). Predicting wellness after pediatric concussion.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 25(4), 375-389. doi: 10.1017/S1355617719000286 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., & Yeates, K.O. (2019). Introduction to the special issue on Resilience and Wellness after Pediatric Brain Injury.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 25(4), 343-345 Cambridge
Saxena S, Majnemer A, Li K, Beauchamp MH, Gagnon I. (2019). A cross-sectional analysis on the effects of age on dual tasking in typically developing children.
Psychological Research, 83(1), 104-115 Pubmed
Resch C, Anderson V, Hearps S, Beauchamp M.H., Crossley L, Van Heugten C, Hurks P, Ryan N, Catroppa C. (2019). Age-dependent differences in the impact of paediatric traumatic brain injury on executive functions: A prospective study using susceptibility-weighted imaging.
Neuropsychologia, 124: 236-245 Pubmed
Landry-Roy, C., Bernier, A., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2018). Executives functions and their relation to sleep following mild traumatic brain injury in preschoolers.
Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society, 24(8), 769-780 Psycnet
Dégeilh, F., Beauchamp, M.H., Leblanc, É., Daneault, V., & Bernier, A. (2018). Quality of maternal behaviour during infancy predicts functional connectivity between default mode network and salience network 9 years later.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 53-62 Pubmed
Dégeilh F, Bernier A, Gravel J, Beauchamp MH. (2018) Developmental trajectories of adaptive functioning following early mild traumatic brain injury.
Developmental Psychobiology, 60(8), 1037-1047 Pubmed
Brooks BL, Plourde V, Beauchamp MH, Tang K, Yeates KO, Keightley M, Anderson P, Désiré N, Barrowman N, Zemek R, on behalf of the PERC Concussion Team. (2018). Predicting psychological distress after pediatric concussion.
Journal of Neurotrauma, doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.5792. [Epub ahead of print] Pubmed
Gagnon I, Friedman D, Beauchamp MH et al. (2018). The Canadian Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Common Data Elements project: harmonizing outcomes to increase understanding of pediatric concussion.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(16), 1849-1857 Pubmed
Marchand-Krynski ME, Belanger AM, Morin-Moncet O, Beauchamp MH, Leonard G. (2018). Cognitive predictors of sequential motor impairments in children with Dyslexia and/or Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder.
Developmental Neuropsychology, 43(5), 430-453 Pubmed
Ryan N, Genc S, Anderson V, Ryan N, Malpas C, Catroppa C, Beauchamp MH, Silk T. (2018). White matter microstructure predicts longitudinal social cognitive outcomes after paediatric traumatic brain injury: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
Psychological Medicine. 48(4), 679-691 Pubmed
Beauchamp MH, Aglipay M, Yeates K, Désiré N, Keightley M, Anderson V, Brooks B, Barrowman N, Gravel J, Boutis K, Gagnon I, Dubrovsky S, Zemek R, for the 5P PERC Concussion-Neuropsyc Team. (2018). Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after paediatric concussion.
Neuropsychology. 32(4), 495-508 Pubmed
Gravel J, Boutis K, Tang K, Beauchamp MH, Freedman S, Dubrovsky A, Gagnon I, Momoli F, Zemek R. (2018). Association Between Ondansetron Use and Symptom Persistence in Children with Concussions: a 5P substudy.
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, epub ahead of print: 1-7 Pubmed
Crichton, A., Anderson, V., Oakley, E., Greenham, M., Hearps, S., Delzoppo, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Hutchison, J.S., Guerguerian, A.M., Boutis, K. and Babl, F.E. (2018). Fatigue following traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: A longitudinal follow-up 6 to 12 months after injury.
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 33, 200-209 Pubmed
Crichton A, Oakley E, Babl F, Greenham M, Hearps S, Delzoppo C, Beachamp MH, Hutchison K, Guerguerian A, Boutis K, Anderson V, on behalf of the Biomarker and Quality of Life in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury group. (2018). Predicting fatigue 12 months after child Traumatic Brain Injury: child factors and postinjury symptoms.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 24(3):,224-236 Pubmed
Garon, M., Forgeot d’Arc, B., Lavallée, M.M., Estay, E. V., Beauchamp, M. H. (2018). Visual Encoding of Social Cues Contributes to Moral Reasoning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-tracking Study.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 409. Psycnet
Garon M, Lavallée M, Vera-Estay E, Beauchamp MH. (2018). Visual encoding of social cues predicts sociomoral reasoning.
PlosOne, 13(7), e0201099 Research Gate
Thompson, E.J., Beauchamp, M.H., Hearps, S.J., Hearps, S.J., Brown, A., Charalambous, G., Crossley, L., Darby, D., Dooley, J.J., Jaimangal, M., McDonald, S., Muscara, F., Turkstra, L., & Anderson, V.A. (2018). Protocol for a prospective school-based standardization study of a digital social skills assessment tool for children: The PEERS study.
BMJ Open, Pubmed
Lalonde, G., Jocelyn, G., Bernier, A., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2018). Investigating Social Functioning After Early Mild TBI: The Quality of Parent-child Interactions.
Journal of Neuropsychology, 12(1), 1-22 Pubmed
Gagner, C., Landry-Roy, C., Gravel, J., Bernier, A., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2018). Behavioral consequences of mild traumatic brain injury in preschoolers.
Psychological Medicine, 48(9), 1551-1559 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Neuropsychology’s social landscape: Common ground with social neuroscience (invited review).
Neuropsychology, doi: 10.1037/neu0000395 Pubmed
Maas, A.I.R., Menon, D., & the InTBIR investigators. (2017). Traumatic Brain Injury – integrated approaches to improving clinical care and research.
Lancet Neurology, doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(17)30371-X Pubmed
Sirois, K., Tousignant, B., Boucher, N., Achim, A.M., Beauchamp, M.H., Bedell, G.M., Massicotte, E., Vera-Estay, E., & Jackson, P.L. (2017). The contribution of social cognition in predicting social participation following moderate and severe TBI in youth.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, doi: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1413987 Pubmed
Tato, A., Nkambou, R., Dufresne, A., & Beauchamp. M.H. (2017). Convolutional neural network for automatic detection of students’ sociomoral reasoning level (short paper). Xiangen Hu, Tiffany Barnes, Arnon Hershkovitz and Luc Paquette (eds.)
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 284-289 Eric
Séguin, M., Lahaie, A., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Ready! Set? Let’s Train! : Feasibility of an intensive attention training program and its beneficial effect after childhood traumatic brain injury.
Annals Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, doi: 10.1016/ Pubmed
Yeates, K.O., Beauchamp, M.H., Craig, W., Doan, Q., Zemek, R., Bjornson, B., Gravel, J., Mikrogianakis, A., Goodyear, B., Abdeen, N., Beaulieu, C., Deshaes, M., Deschenes, S., Harris, A., Lebel, C., Lamont, R., Williamson, T., Barlow, K., Bernier, F., Brooks, B., Emery, C., Freedman, S, Kowalski, K., Mrklas, K., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., Schneider, K., on behalf of Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) (2017). The Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (ACAP) study: Protocol for a prospective, concurrent cohort, longitudinal study of mild traumatic brain injury in children.
BMJ Open, 7(7), e017012 Pubmed
Marchand-Krynski M-È, Morin-Moncet O, Bélanger A-M, Beauchamp MH, Leonard G (2017) Shared and differentiated motor skill impairments in children with dyslexia and/or attention deficit disorder: From simple to complex sequential coordination.
PLoS ONE, 12(5), e0177490 Pubmed
Leblanc, E., Dégeilh, F., Daneault, V., Beauchamp, M.H., Bernier, A. (2017). Attachment Security in Infancy: A Preliminary Study of Prospective Links to Brain Morphometry in Late Childhood.
Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02141 Pubmed
Crichton, A., Oakley, E., Franz, B., Greenham, M., Hearps, S., Delzoppo, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Hutchison, J., Guerguerian, A., Boutis, K., Anderson, V. (2017). Prediction of multidimensional fatigue after childhood brain injury.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 32 (2), 107-116 Wolters Kluwer
Ryan, N., Catroppa, C., Beare, R., Silk, T., Crossley, L., Beauchamp, M.H., Yeates, K., Anderson, V. (2017). Uncovering Neural Correlates of Cognitive, Affective and Conative Theory of Mind in Pediatric Acquired Brain Disorder: Evidence from Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, doi: 10.1093/scan/nsx066 Pubmed
Landry-Roy, C., Bernier, A., Gravel, J., Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Pedictors of sleep outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury in preschoolers: Subjective and objective assessment of outcome.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000303 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Landry-Roy, C., Gravel, J., Beaudoin, C., & Bernier A. (2017). Should young children with TBI be compared to community or orthopaedic control participants?
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, doi: 10.1089/neu.2016.4868 Pubmed
Crichton, A., Babl, F., Oakley, E., Greenham, M., Hearps, S., Delzoppo, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Hutchison, J., Anderson, V. (2017). Fatigue Outcome from Child Brain Injury: Symptoms and Causes 6 Weeks Postinjury.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000248 Pubmed
Ryan, N.P., Mihaljevic, K., Beauchamp, M.H., Catroppa, C., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., Silk, T., Godfrey, C., Yeates, K.O., Anderson, V.A. (2017). Examining the prospective relationship between family affective responsiveness and theory of mind in chronic paediatric traumatic brain injury.
Brain Impairment, 18(1), 88-101 Research Gate
Bellerose, J., Bernier A., Beaudoin C., Gravel, J., Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Long-term brain-injury-specific theory of mind differences after mild TBI in preschool children,
Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1037/neu0000341 Pubmed
Chiasson, V., Elkaim, L., Weil, A.G., Crevier, L., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Moral reasoning in children with focal brain insults to frontotemporal regions.
Brain Impairment, 18(1), 102-116 Cambridge
Genc, S., Anderson, V., Ryan, N., Malpas, C., Catroppa, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Silk, T. (2017). Recovery of white matter following paediatric traumatic brain injury depends on injury severity.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 34(4), 798-806 Pubmed
D’hondt, F., Lassonde, M., Thebault-Dagher, F., Bernier, A., Gravel, J., Vanassing, P., Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional face processing after mild traumatic brain injury in preschool children.
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neurosciences, 17(1), 124-142 Pubmed
Chiasson, V., Vera-Estay, E., Lalonde, G., Dooley, J., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Assessing social cognition: Age-related changes in moral reasoning in childhood and adolescence.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2016.1268650 Pubmed
Neugnot-Cerioli, M., Gagner, C., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Training of fluid and crystallized intelligence: A game-based approach in adolescents presenting with below average IQ.
Cogent Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2017.1284360 Research Gate
Gravel, J., Carrière, B., D’Angelo, A., Crevier, L., Beauchamp, M.H., & Massé, B. (2016). Ondansetron for pediatric concussion; a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, DOI: 10.1017/cem.2016.369 Pubmed
Catroppa, C., Crossley, L., Hearps, S.J.C., Yeates, K.O., Beauchamp, M.H., Rogers, K., Fusella, J., & Anderson, V. (2016). Social and Behavioral Outcomes following Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury: What Predicts Outcome at 12 Months Post-Insult?
Journal of Neurotrauma, DOI:10.1089/neu.2016.4594 Pubmed
Grool, A. M., Aglipay, M., Momoli, F., Meehan, W. P., Freedman, S. B., Yeates, K. O., … & Barrowman, N. (2016). Association between early participation in physical activity following acute concussion and persistent postconcussive symptoms in children and adolescents.
JAMA, 316(23), 2504-2514 Pubmed
Novak, Z., Aglipay, M., Barrowman, N., Yeates, K., Beauchamp, M., Gravel, J., Freedman, S., Gagnon, I., Gioia, G., Boutis, K., Burns, E., Ledoux, A.A., Osmond, M., Zemek, R. (2016). Association with Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms with Pediatric Quality of Life.
JAMA Pediatrics, 170(12), e162900 Pubmed
Ryan, N., Beauchamp, M.H., Ditchfield, M., Beare, M., Coleman, L., Silk, T., Genc, S., Kean, M., Catroppa, C., & Anderson, V. (2016). Uncovering Cortico-Striatal Correlates of Cognitive Fatigue in Pediatric Acquired Brain Disorder: Evidence from Traumatic Brain Injury.
Cortex, 83, 222-230 Pubmed
Wilkinson, A., Simic, N., Fndrova, H., Taylor, M.J., Choong, K., Fraser, D., Campbell, C., Dhanani, S., Kuehn, S., Beauchamp, M.H., Farrell, C., Anderson, V., Guerguerian, A.M., Dennis, M., Schachar, R., & Hutchison, J.S. (2016). Serum biomarkers help predict attention problems in critically ill children with traumatic brain injury.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 17(7), 638-648 Pubmed
Greenham, M., Anderson, V., Monagle, P., Beauchamp, M.H., Campbell, J. (2016). Neuropsychological profiles of children with Vitamin B12 deficiency during infancy.
Brain Impairment, 1, 1-12 Cambridge
Tousignant, B., Jackson, P., Massicotte, E., Beauchamp, M.H., Amélie, A., Vera-Estay, E., Bedell, G.M., Sirois, K. (2016). Impact of traumatic brain injury on social cognition in adolescents and contribution of other higher order cognitive functions.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1-19 Pubmed
Ryan, N.P., Catroppa, C., Beare, R., Silk, T., Crossley, L., Beauchamp, M.H., Yeates, K.O., Anderson, V.A. (2016). Theory of mind mediates the prospective relationship between abnormal social brain network morphology and problems after pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(4), 683-92 Pubmed
Vera, E., Seni, A., Champagne, C. & Beauchamp, M.H. (2016). All for one: Combined contributions of demographic factors, executive functioning and social cognition to moral reasoning in childhood.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 227 Pubmed
Tourjman, V.S., Beauchamp, M.H., Djouini, A., Neugnot-Cerioli, M., Gagner, C., & al. (2016). French Validation of The Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-F).
Open Journal of Psychiatry, 6, 107-118 Research Gate
Ryan, N., Van Bijnen, L., Catroppa, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., Anderson, V. (2016). Longitudinal Outcome and Recovery of Social Problems after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Contribution of Brain Insult and Family Environment. International
Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 49, 23-30 Pubmed
Zemek, R., Barrowman, N., Freedman, S.B., Gravel, J., Gagnon, I., McGahern, C., Aglipay, M., Sangha, G., Boutis, K., Beer, D., Craig, W., Burns, E., Farion, K.J., Mikrogianakis, A., Barlow, K., Dubrovsky, A., Meeuwisse, W., Gioia, G., Meehan, W.P., Beauchamp, M.H., Kamil, Y., Grool, A.M., Hoshizaki, B., Anderson, P., Brooks, B.L., Yeates, K.O., Vassilyadi, M., Klassen, T., Keightley, M., Richer, L., DeMatteo, C., Osmond, M.H., on behalf of the Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) Concussion Team. (2016). Clinical Risk Score for Persistent PostConcussion Symptoms Among Children With Acute Concussion in the ED.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 315(10), 1014-1025 Pubmed
Soo, C., Robyn, T., Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H., Brookes, N., Catroppa, C., Galvin, J., & Muscara, F. (2016). Assessing psychosocial functioning following childhood acquired brain injury : The Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale for Children. Developmental
Neurorehabilitation, 19(6), 356-364 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Brooks, B.L., Barrowman, N., Aglipay, M., Keightley, M., Anderson, P., Yeates, K.O., Osmond, M.H., & Zemek, R. (2015). Empirical derivation of a clinical case definition rule for neuropsychological impairment in children and adolescents.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 21(8), 596-609 Pubmed
Ansado, J., Collins, L., Garon, M., Fonov, V., Karama, S., Evans, A., Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). A new template to study callosal growth shows specific growth in anterior and posterior regions of the corpus callosum in early childhood.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(1), 1675-84 Pubmed
Bellerose, J., Neugot-Cerioli, M., Brunel-Guitton, C., Mitchell, G.A., Ospina, L.H., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). A highly diverse portrait: Heterogeneity of neuropsychological profiles in cblC defect.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 1-14. Pubmed
Neugnot-Cerioli, M., Gagner, C., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). The use of games in paediatric cognitive interventions: a systematic review.
International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 6 : 286 Research Gate
Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H., Carlson, S.M., & Lalonde, G. (2015). A secure base from which to regulate: Attachment security in toddlerhood as a predictor of executive functioning at school entry.
Developmental Psychology, 51(9), 1177-1189 Pubmed
Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). When injury clouds understanding of others: Theory of mind after mild TBI in preschool children.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 21, 1-11 Pubmed
Gagner, C., Landry-Roy, C., Lainé, F., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). Sleep-wake disturbances and fatigue following pediatric traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of the literature.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 32, 1-14 Pubmed
Brown, A., Crowe, L., Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H., & Boneh, A. (2015). Neurodevelopmental profiles of children with glutaric aciduria type I siagnosed by newborn screening: A follow-up case series.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, 11(18), 123-134 Pubmed
Ryan, N., Catroppa, C., Cooper, J., Beare, R., Coleman, L., Silk, T., Crossley, L., Beauchamp, M., & Anderson, V. (2015). The Emergence of Age-Dependent Social Cognitive Deficits after Generalized Insult to the Developing Brain: a Longitudinal Prospective Study using Susceptibility- Weighted Imaging.
Human Brain Mapping, 36(5), 1677-91 Pubmed
Vera-Estay, E., Dooley, J., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2015). Cognitive underpinnings of sociomoral reasoning in adolescence: The contribution of executive functions.
Journal of Moral Education, 44 (1), 17-33 Eric
Ryan, N.P., Catroppa, C., Cooper, J.M., Beare, R., Ditchfield, M., Coleman, L., Silk, T., Crossley, L., Rogers, K., Beauchamp, M.H., Yeates, K.O., & Anderson, V.A. (2015). Relationships between acute imaging biomarkers and theory of mind impairment in post-acute pediatric traumatic brain injury: A prospective analysis using susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI).
Neuropsychologia, 66, 32-38 Pubmed
Ryan, N., Catroppa, C., Beare, R., Coleman, L., Ditchfield, M., Crossley, L., Beauchamp, M., & Anderson, V. (2015). Predictors of Longitudinal Outcome and Recovery of Pragmatic Communication and its Relation to Externalizing Behavior after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
Brain and Language, 142, 86-95 Pubmed
Catroppa, C., Crossley, L., Hearps, S., Yeates, K.O., Beauchamp, M.H., Rogers, K., & Anderson, V. (2015). Social and behavioral outcomes: Pre-injury to 6 months following childhood traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 32, 109-11 Pubmed
Ryan, N., Anderson, V., Godfrey, C., Beauchamp, M.H., Coleman, L., Eren, S., Rosema, S., Taylor, K., & Catroppa, C. (2014). Predictors of very long-term socio-cognitive function post-paediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) : evidence for the vulnerability of the immature ‘social brain’.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 31(7), 649-57 Pubmed
Cooper, J., Catroppa C., Beauchamp M.H., Eren, S., Godfrey, C., Ditchfield, M., & Anderson, V. (2014). Attentional control 10 years post childhood traumatic brain injury: the impact of lesion presence, location and severity in adolescence and early adulthood.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 31(8), 713-21 Pubmed
McDonald, J., Beauchamp, M.H., Crigan, J., & Anderson, P.J. (2014). Age-related differences in inhibitory control in the preschool years.
Child Neuropsychology, 20(5), 509-526 Pubmed
Silk, T.J., Beare, R., Crossley, L., Rogers, K., Emsell, L., Catroppa, C., Beauchamp, M.H., & Anderson, V. (2013). Cavum Septum Pellucidum in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 213(3), 186-92 Pubmed
Gravel, J., D’Angelo, A., Carrière, B., Crevier, L., Beauchamp, M.H., Chauny, J-M., Wassef, M., & Chaillet, N. (2013). Interventions provided in the acute phase for mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review.
Systematic Reviews, 2(63) Pubmed
Zemek, R., Osmond, M., Barrowman, N., & PERC Concussion Team. (2013). Predicting and Preventing Postconcussive Problems in Pediatrics (5P) Study : Protocol for a prospective multicentre clinical prediction rule derivation study in children with concussion.
British Medical Journal, 3(8), pii: e003550 Pubmed
Lalonde, G., Henry, M., Drouin-Germain, A., Nolin, P., & Beauchamp, M. (2013). Assessment of executive function in adolescence: A comparison of traditional and virtual reality tools.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 219(1), 76-82 Pubmed
Bernier, A., Beauchamp, M.H., Bouvette-Turcot, A-A., Carlson, S., & Carrier, J. (2013). Sleep and cognition in preschool years: Specific links to executive functioning.
Child Development, 84(5), 1542-53 Pubmed
Bilodeau, M., Simon, T., Beauchamp, M.H., Lespérance, P., Dubreucq, S., Dorée, J-P., Tourjman, V. (2013). Duloxetine in adults with ADHD: A randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study.
Journal of Attention Disorders, 18(2), 169-175 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Dooley, J.J. & Anderson, V. (2013). A preliminary investigation of moral reasoning after traumatic brain injury in adolescents.
Brain Injury, 27(7-8), 896-902 Pubmed
Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H., Yeates, K.O., Crossley, C., Hearps, S., Catroppa, C.(2013). Social competence at 6 months following childhood traumatic brain injury.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19(5), 539-550 Cambridge
Beauchamp, M.H., Beare, R., Ditchfield, M., Coleman, L., Babl, F.E., Kean, M., Crossley, L., Catroppa, C., Yeates, K.O., & Anderson, V.(2013). Susceptibility weighted imaging and its relationship to outcome after pediatric traumatic brain injury.
Cortex, 49(2), 591-598 Pubmed
Gravel J, D’Angelo A, Carriere B, Crevier L, Beauchamp M.H., Chauny J-M, Wassef M, Chaillet N. (2013). Effect of activity restriction for short term and medium term outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury (Protocol).
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD010437, DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010437 Research Gate
Berryer, M., Hamdan, F., Klitten, L., Rikke, M., Carmant, L., Patry, L., Dobrzeniecka, S., Rochefort, D., Neugnot, M., Lacaille, J-C., Niu, Zhiyv., Eng, C., Yang, Y., Palardy, S., Belhumeur, C., Rouleau, G., Tommerup, N., Johannsen, W., LaDonna, I., Beauchamp, M.H., Simpson-Patel, G., Scheffzek, K., Hjalgrim, H., Michaud, J., & Di Cristo, G. (2013). Mutations in SYNGAP1 cause intellectual disability, autism and a specific form of epilepsy by inducing haploinsufficiency.
Human Mutation, 34(2), 385-94 Pubmed
Beauchamp, C. & Beauchamp, M.H. (2013). Boundary as bridge: An analysis of the educational neuroscience literature from a boundary perspective.
Educational Psychology Review, 25(1), 47-67 Research Gate
Beauchamp, M.H., Catroppa, C., Godfrey, C., Morse, S., Rosenfeld, J.V., & Anderson, V. (2011). Selective Changes in Executive Functioning Ten Years After Severe Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury.
Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(5), 578-595 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H., Ditchfield, M., Catroppa, C., Kean, M., Godfrey, C., Rosenfeld, J.V. & Anderson, V. (2011). Focal thinning of the corpus callosum: Normal variant or post traumatic?
Brain injury, 25(10), 950-957 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M.H, Ditchfield, M., Babl, F., Kean, M., Catroppa, C., Yeates, K.O., Anderson, V. (2011). Detecting Traumatic Brain Lesions in Children: CT vs conventional MRI vs SWI.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 28(6), 915-27 Pubmed
Crowe, L., Beauchamp, M.H., Catroppa, C., Anderson, V. (2011). Social Function Assessment Tools for Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review from 1988 to 2010.
Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 767-785 Psycnet
Beauchamp, M.H., Ditchfield, M., Maller, J.J., Catroppa, C., Godfrey, C., Rosenfeld, J.V., Kean, M., & Anderson, V. (2011). Hippocampus, amygdala and global brain changes 10 years after childhood traumatic brain injury.
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 29, 137-143 Science Direct
Hamdan, F.F., Daoud, H., Piton, A., Gauthier, J., Dobrzeniecka, S., Krebs, M-O., Joober, R., Lacaille, J-C., Joober, R., Lacaille, J.C., Nadeau, A., Milunsky, J.M., Wang, Z., Carmant, L., Mottron, L., Beauchamp, M.H., Rouleau, G.A., & Michaud, J.L. (2011). De novo SYNGAP1 mutations in non-syndromic intellectual disability and autism.
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American Journal of Human Genetics, 87(5), 671-678 Pubmed
Beauchamp, M. H., Hutchison, J.S., Lacroix, J. (2010). Treatment of severe paediatric traumatic brain injury by hypothermia: Pros and cons.
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Dooley, J.J., Beauchamp, M.H., Anderson, V. (2010). The measurement of socio-moral reasoning in adolescents with traumatic brain injury.
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Beauchamp, M.H., Anderson, V., & Boneh, A. (2009). Cognitive and social profiles in two patients with Cobalamin C disease.
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Beauchamp, M.H., Boneh, A., Anderson, V. (2009). Cognitive, behavioural and adaptive profile of children with Glutaric Aciduria 1.
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Boneh, A., Beauchamp, M.H., Humphrey, M., Watkins, J., Peters, H., Yaplito-Lee, J. (2008). Newborn screening for Glutaric aciduria type I in Victoria: treatment and outcome.
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Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 67(1), 29-35 Psycnet
Livres et chapitres
Beauchamp, M.H., Peterson, R., Yeates, K.O., Ris, D., Taylor, G. (Eds.) (in prep, accepted by publisher). Pediatric Neuropsychology 3rd Edition. Oxford: Guilford Publications
Catroppa, C., Anderson, V., Yeates, KO, Beauchamp, M.H. (2016). Paediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: An Evidence-base for Clinical Practice. New York: Psychology Press.
Anderson, V. & Beauchamp, M.H. (Eds.). (2012). Developmental social neuroscience and childhood brain insult: Implications for theory and practice. Oxford: Guildford Publications.
Beauchamp, M.H. & Yeates, K.O. (in press). Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Dans Pediatric Neuropsychology 3rd Edition. Oxford: Guilford Publications.
Beaudoin, C. & Beauchamp, M.H. (in press). Social Cognition. Dans Handbook of Clinical Pediatric Neurology.
Roebuck-Spencer, T., Désiré, N., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2018). Traumatic Brain Injury. Dans Neuropsychological Conditions Across the Lifespan. Donders, J. & Hunter, S.J. (Eds). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge
Ansado, J., Labelle-Chiasson, V., Beauchamp, M.H. (2014). Le dévelopement cérébral et cognitif à l’adolescence. Dans La Psychologie de l’Adolescence : Perspectives scientifiques et actuelles. Claes, M. & Lannegrand-Willems, L. (Eds.), Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M.H., Rosema, S., Soo, C. (2014). A theoretical approach to understanding social dysfunction in children with TBI. Dans Social and Communication Disorders after Traumatic Brain Injury. McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds.), New York: Psychology Press.
Beauchamp, M.H. & Anderson, V. (2013). Cognitive and psychopathological sequelae of pediatric traumatic brain injury. Dans Handbook of Clinical Pediatric Neurology. Dulac, O., Di Mauro, S., Lassonde, M. (Eds.), Elsevier.
Dooley, J.J. & Beauchamp, M.H. & Rosema, S. (2012). Imaging paradigms of social function. Dans Developmental social neuroscience and childhood brain insult: Implications for theory and practice, Anderson, V. & Beauchamp, M.H. (Eds.), Guildford Publications.
Anderson, V. & Beauchamp, M.H. (2012). SOCIAL: a theoretical model of developmental social neuroscience. Dans Developmental social neuroscience and childhood brain insult: Implications for theory and practice, Anderson, V. & Beauchamp, M.H. (Eds.), Guildford Publications.
Beauchamp, M.H. & Beauchamp, C. (2012). Understanding the neuroscience and education connection. Dans Neuroscience and Education. Della Sala, S. & Anderson, M. (Eds). New York: Oxford University Press
Bellerose, J., Beauchamp, M.H., Lassonde, M. (2011). New insights into neurocognition provided by brain mapping: Social cognition and theory of mind. Dans Brain mapping: from neural basis of cognition to surgical applications. H. Duffau (Ed.), Paris: Springer Publishers.
Beauchamp, M.H., Dooley, J. & Anderson, V. (2010). Adult outcomes of childhood traumatic brain injury. Dans Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology. J. Donders and S. Hunter (Eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-89622-1 Cambridge
Morin, A., Bertrand, M-C., Beauchamp, M.H. & Doyon, J. (2005). Méthode d’analyse du comportement en neuropsychologie expérimentale et clinique. Dans Recherche psychosociale : Pour harmoniser recherche et pratique, Bouchard, S. & Cyr, C. (Dir.), Presse de l’Université du Québec, Québec. (Methods in clinical and experimental neuropsychology).
Beauchamp, M.H., Bellerose, J., & Labelle, V. (2012). Plasticity or vulnerability? Early childhood TBI and its consequences. Psychologie Quebec, 29(2), 50–52